
Showing posts from 2018

Thai Massages VS Traditional Swedish Massage Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

 Thai Massages VS Traditional Swedish Massage  Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969 Thai massage is often called “lazy yoga” even though it uses techniques similar to the Swedish massage. The Thai massage uses acupuncture points that stretch and loosens the muscles. It helps to release tension and relieve joints. The Thai massage is based off an ancient system that combines acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic methods, and yoga positions. A Thai massage will make you feel rejuvenated and energized. It uses a technique called blocking and releasing the blood flow. It involves applying pressure to the area where the legs and arms meet at the torso. Once the pressure is released, the client will feel heat as the blood rushes back to the limbs. There is two kinds of Thai massages: traditional and ancient massage. The traditional Thai massage takes place in Thailand, and the ancient form is common in Northern India and Nepal. Ancient Thai massages start with...

Deep Tissue Massage Treatment Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

Deep Tissue Massage Treatment Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969 Deep tissue massage therapy is one of the most frequently requested services in the massage profession. Many massage therapists recognize this and offer this modality. Deep tissue massage is commonly misunderstood and it can be unclear whether clients are requesting a deep tissue massage session or are asking for a massage with stronger pressure. Many clients often associate deep tissue massage with pain, hard or strong pressure, and often invasive massage techniques. Although there is a level of truth to this association, a good deep tissue session should not cause pain or discomfort. There may be a delayed onset of muscle soreness; however, any type of massage approach can cause this. Many schools often teach deep tissue massage as a technique that uses increased pressure to access the deeper layers of the tissues, often inadvertently overlooking the diverse applications of deep tissue ma...

traditional pain management methods Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

 traditional pain management methods  Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969 Massage therapy has long been used as an adjunct to traditional pain management methods: people intuitively massage areas of pain to make the area feel better. Research has shown elevated plasma β-endorphin levels following massage therapy , 1 which may explain some of its pain-reducing properties. Theorists have postulated that massage therapy may decrease substance P levels during massage treatment, but controlled studies have not yet been performed. A systematic review of 22 articles on the effects of massage therapy on relaxation and comfort indicated significantly decreased anxiety or perception of tension in 8 of 10 articles; physiological relaxation was indicated in 7 of 10 articles; and 3 studies demonstrated it was effective at reducing pain

Massage and the Stress Response Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

Massage and the Stress Response  Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969 Massage has long been seen as a way for people to decrease their stress levels. With the growing number of people seeking massage therapy care in recent years, it becomes increasingly important to understand if it is effective in managing the negative health consequences of stress. In this month's article review, we explore work from a team of experienced researchers who provided a review of the existing literature in this area. Albert Moraska, Robin Pollini, Karen Boulanger, Marissa Brooks, and Lesley Teitlebaum in their 2008 article, "Physiological Adjustments to Stress Following Massage Therapy : A Review of the Literature," provided a critical evaluation of peer-reviewed research that had investigated the relationship between massage therapy and physiological measures of stress. The authors emphasized that reviews like this one are important to understanding the effective...

Anti-Aging facial massage Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

 Anti-Aging facial massage  Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969 In addition to feeling great, facial massage is a fast and simple way to improve circulation to the face, enhancing the skin's color and texture. Facial massage is also helpful for relieving stress, easing headaches, inducing relaxation and clearing sinus congestion. Professional facial massages are often expensive, but you can give someone a simple facial massage at home in just 10 minutes. A facial massage should not last longer than 20 minutes, according to Massage Therapy 101. Lengthy massages are more likely to stretch the facial muscles and irritate delicate facial tissue.

Moroccan Scrub and Massage Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

Moroccan Scrub and Massage  Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969 Enjoy some rest and relaxation with a visit to our Moroccan spa . Revel in a soothing hammam (bath), beautify yourself with essential Moroccan beauty products, including the renowned Argan oil, beldi soap and rhassoul , and experience a comforting body scrub and massage. Traditionally, Moroccans visited their local hammam not only as a place for cleansing and recreation, but as a meeting place for people of all ages, ranks and stations to gather and socialise. Today, the Moroccan hammam retains its integral cultural role.

Trigger Point Therapy Trigger Point Therapy Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

Trigger Point Therapy  Trigger Point Therapy  Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969 A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of the body. A trigger point in the back, for example, may produce referral pain in the neck. The neck, now acting as a satellite trigger point, may then cause pain in the head. The pain may be sharp and intense or a dull ache. Trigger point massage therapy is specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release. In this type of massage for trigger point therapy , the recipient actively participates through deep breathing as well as identifying the exact location and intensity of the discomfort.

Massage Your Fingers to Relieve Pain Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

Massage Your Fingers to Relieve Pain Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969 Self  administered reflexology and acupressure are great ways to provide quick discrete relief for a variety of pain and symptoms without having to wait for an appointment, further impeding your routine, or touching sensitive areas where you are experiencing pain. Reflexology  specifically is the use of therapeutic pressure massage in specific areas of our hands and feet to facilitate functional flow of energy, pain relief and optimal health. There are areas on our hands and feet called reflexes that correspond to specific areas of our bodies and even organ systems within our bodies. Often in areas that we feel pain there is a blockage of energy preventing health and wellness.

COUPLES MASSAGE in Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

COUPLES MASSAGE in Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969 A couples massage allows partners to experience massage together in the same area as one therapist works on each person. Some spas turn this into a romantic event that can leave guests starry-eyed, setting the treatment in a special room or suite large enough for two, beachside underneath the stars, or in the couple’s guest room at a hotel or resort. For an extra-special touch, rooms reserved for side-by-side massage treatments may feature cozy spa fixtures such as fireplaces, shower facilities, Jacuzzis, and dual soaking tubs, and some spas offer irresistible amenities like champagne and strawberries as a sumptuous treat. Many spas offer treatments à deux so spa-goers can share a pampering experience with a significant other, but a couples massage isn’t just for romantics—mother-daughter duos and best friends may also enjoy side-by-side services. For couples, this form of massage can offer a double do...

Best Arabic Massage Center Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

 Best Arabic Massage Center Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969 It’s clear that we still don’t have a fix on which toxins therapists are talking about. Let’s work with an example of a rock-star-popular waste metabolite: lactic acid, or lactate. Lactic acid is the poster boy for the waste metabolites, probably the only one that’s a household name, and most massage therapists still assume that lactic acid can be squished out of muscle tissue and into the bloodstream. This is not a difficult thing to test, and it has been tested, and some results were a bit shocking: not only does massage definitely not “reduce” lactic acid, 11 perhaps massage even “ impairs lactic acid and hydrogen ion removal from muscle.”

prenatal massage therapy in Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

prenatal massage therapy in  Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969 Therapeutic massage has been used for centuries to improve overall health, reduce stress, and relieve muscle tension. Massages during pregnancy have often received ambivalent responses from the health community regarding their safety and purpose. Modern investigation and research has shown that  prenatal massage therapy  can be an instrumental ingredient in women’s prenatal care and should be given careful consideration. Although most massage training institutions teach massage therapy for women who are pregnant, it is best to find a massage therapist who is certified in prenatal massage. The APA works with some massage therapists who are trained to work with pregnant women, but it is still important to ask about qualifications.

Strange And Unusual Massage Practices Al Karama Dubai a| Massage Center | +971544832969

Strange And Unusual Massage Practices Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969 Most people in the western world are used to professional, clinical massage therapy , done by a licensed therapist in a clean and professional environment. The therapies are mostly variations of Swedish massage, Deep Tissue massage , Sports massage etc. However there is an entirely new world out there with very different kinds of therapies. Let’s start with the more infamous ones like massage as come-on for not so professional services. Here in Asia they call them “Happy end massages”. I leave it to your imagination to figure out what that means. Let’s just say that only men take advantage of this variation. This happens to be a huge industry in many countries, especially in Asia. In some Asian countries it is hard to find a massage which is NOT a happy end massage, but really a strictly professional massage. But this is not so strange yet. Here in Thailand, where I live, there are...

Deep tissue massage eases pain Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969

Deep tissue massage eases pain Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969 Deep tissue massage may be able to lessen pain. For example, research published in an  April 2014 issue of  Manual Therapy  found that deep tissue massage in dubai t o posterior calf muscles, along with self-stretching exercises, helped reduce participants’ pain associated with plantar fasciitis.  Deep tissue massage  can be used for other conditions as well, such as fibromyalgia, tennis elbow or low-back pain, potentially providing some much-needed relief.

Strengthens Your Immune System Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969

Strengthens Your Immune System Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969 Massage therapy boosts immune system by stimulating natural killer cells. Since therapeutic massage decreases cortisol that destroys natural killer cells, your immune system gets a boost. An increase in white blood cells and natural killer-cell activity better prepares the body to fight off possible invading cells. Massage even boosts immunity in those people with severely compromised immune systems, such as cancer patients.

Experience the Deeper Benefits of Massage Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969

Experience the Deeper Benefits of Massage  Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969 If you don’t have any music playing they might ask if you wish for them to put some on as well as aromatherapy scents if you would prefer it. You probably won’t recognize your room as it transforms into a massage-friendly, stress-free space you never thought possible. In-home massage therapy professionals know how important the elements of sight, sound, scent and touch are for relaxation. Their aim is to set the mood for a good massage experience. All you need to do is, lead the massage therapist to a good space to fit a massage table then they’ll do the rest to meet the physical and aesthetic requirements for relaxation in dubai You might even find yourself yearning for those aromatic scents and ambient sounds to calm you every time.

Cardiovascular Health & Massage Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969

Cardiovascular Health & Massage Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969 Many already view massage in dubai as an important approach to relieving muscle pain or as a means to relax. However, working with a qualified massage therapist can also play a significant role in improving cardiovascular health as evidenced by a growing body massage of research. The American Heart Association warns against the risks of high blood pressure which can lead to cardiovascular issues including stroke, heart disease and kidney failure . With proactive management of high blood pressure, individuals can lower their chance of developing these conditions.

massage therapy Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969

massage therapy Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969 Scientific evidence on massage therapy in dubai is limited. Scientists are not yet certain what changes occur in the body during massage, whether they influence health, and, if so, how. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is sponsoring studies to answer these questions and identify the purposes for which massage may be most helpful. Massage therapy appears to have few serious risks if it is used appropriately and provided by a trained massage professional. Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.

Benefits of Massage During the Summer Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969

 Benefits of Massage During the Summer Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969 Sure, there’s a lot to do in summer – grilling, gardening, traveling, you name it – but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still take care of you. In fact, massage is a terrific thing to treat yourself to during the summer months, when your body badly needs it. Here are four of the main reasons to treat yourself to a massage this summer. 1. Massage Is “You Time” During summer, plans and activities seem to spike. Kids are home from school and need to be ferried to and from camp and other activities. Hikes, picnics and park trips become the norm. Even if you don’t have any kids and work is still relatively relaxed, most people make more plans in the summer months. A massage is a great excuse to get some time for yourself. 2. Massage Compensates for Increased Exercise Most people also exercise more in summer, when nice weather makes being outdoors easy. Whether your exercise of ch...

The benefits of oncology massage Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969

The benefits of oncology massage Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969 Oncology massage is an approach to massage therapy based in both compassion and specialized massage treatments to help people manage their experience with cancer. Review of the scientific literature indicates oncology massage helps improve quality of life. Benefits include improved relaxation, sleep, and immune function as well as relieving anxiety, pain, fatigue and nausea. Oncology massage therapists are trained to meet people where they are in their experience with cancer and apply a highly individualized massage treatment to comfort, nurture and support them in their process. The treatments are modified according to the full spectrum of cancer-related issues: the physical, psycho-social and emotional consequences of cancer. In addition, the person’s individual goals are considered and aspects of the disease and cancer treatment side effects. Personal goals for receiving oncology m...

Hair Spa Al Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969

Hair Spa Al  Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969 A hair spa can help you to get rid of unruly and tangled hair and is the best possible ways to relax, while hitting a beauty salon. Just like your face, your hands and feet, your hair also requires nourishment and pampering to stay healthy. So  we combine several essential oils, herbs, natural oils and shampoos to give you the best possible hair spa ever. Quality matters to you, and is an essential for us; we use certified products which are applied in the most professional manner. A good hair spa readily reduces oil secretion and stimulates the hair cells which help in the growth and regeneration of hair. Before the spa, we diagnose your hair type and then conduct the spa session with creams and lotions that contain milk and honey extracts and other natural conditioners that leave you and your hair feeling relaxed and beautiful

Simply Natural World Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969

Simply Natural World  Karama Dubai | Massage Center | 0544832969 if you are looking for best Dubai Massage with luxury then you came to the right place. Simply Natural World DUBAI MASSAGE is one of the best Dubai massage center. We have new professional and most beautiful staff. We are here to provide the life of luxury which you truly deserve. We consider our clients wish first. What you require let us know and we will try our best to full fill your wishes. For the last five years Simply Natural World Spa Center Massage have been dedicated to bringing the best quality Thai, Korean, Chinese, Indian, Filipino, Vietnam massage service to our clients in Dubai. Simply Natural Spa Center Massage is your trusted partner when it comes to relaxation and professional massage. Let one of our 15 female therapists transport you to a world of bliss and relaxation. We are located in Al Karama Dubai, call us and book for Dubai massage service will be part of your best memories in t...

Massage Oil Candles Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969

Massage Oil Candles Karama Dubai | Massage Center | 0544832969 If you’ve not come across  massage oil candles  before, then you’re in for a treat. They’re romantic, all-natural, and easy to make yourself. Though they look like traditional candles, they’re actually a solid body oil blended with  essential oils.  Once lit, the oils melt at a warm temperature that can be poured directly into your hand and massaged into the skin. Pure bliss!

Regular Massage Benefits Karama Dubai | Massage Center | 0544832969

Regular Massage Benefits Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971544832969 If you've ever had a massage , you know it is pleasant and relaxing. You may not have realized it can also have physical and emotional benefits if it is done regularly. There are several types of massage , from deep-tissue therapies to gentle Swedish treatments . They don't replace medical treatment, but they can benefit your body and mind if you have them done on an ongoing basis.

Reflexology Massage Karama Dubai | Massage Center | 0544832969

Reflexology Massage  Karama Dubai | Massage Center | 0544832969 We offer  Reflexology  and massage services exclusively for men and women. The aim of the centre is to offer men and women ancient oriental healing techniques.  Reflexology massage is an alternative therapeutic treatment, based on the idea that areas of the feet, hands, and ears are connected to other areas of the  body Massage in Dubai  . Some of the benefits of reflexology include its ability to stimulate nerve function, increases energy, boosts circulation, induces a deep state of relaxation, eliminates toxins, stimulates the central nervous system, prevents migraines, cleans up urinary tract conditions, speeds recovery after injury or surgery..

Hot Oil Massage In Dubai Karama Dubai | Massage Center | 0544832969

Hot Oil Massage In Dubai Karama Dubai | Massage Center | 0544832969 Are looking for relaxation massage for low price? Then book this massage therapy deals and treat yourself with Swedish or hot oil massages at Soft Therapy Hot oil massage is used to loosen and release internal impurities, which are then flushed out and eliminated through urinary and digestive tracts. What can be better than after a busy day at work, than a long hot bath,

A Body Scrub Massage Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971522070926

 A Body Scrub Massage  Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971522070926 A body scrub is a popular  body treatment  that is basically a facial for the body: it  exfoliates  and hydrates your skin, leaving it smooth and soft.  A body scrub is done with an abrasive material—usually sea salt or  sugar—mixed with some kind of massage oil  and an aromatic like  essential oils . If the scrub uses salt, it might be called a  salt scrub ,  salt glow  or sea salt scrub. The scrub is followed by an application of high-quality lotion or cream that leaves your skin hydrated. A body scrub is not technically a massage because body treatments can be performed by estheticians, who are only licensed to work on skin, not the underlying muscle tissue (unless they are giving massage to the face, neck, and shoulders.)  

Thai Herbal Compress Technique Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971522070926

Thai Herbal Compress Technique Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971522070926 The Thai herbal compress technique offers several potential health benefits: It induces deep relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue, boosts both emotional and physical well-being, assists alignment and postural integrity of the body, improves circulation of blood and lymph and stimulates the internal organs. “As the pores open and allow the herbs to take effect, ailments such as stiff, sore or pulled muscles and ligaments, back pain, migraines, stress and anxiety are almost instantly relieved,” says Prin Prakittiphoom, marketing manager at MSpa International, a spa-­management company in Bangkok. The hot compresses are ideal for alleviating pain, stiff, sore or pulled muscles and ligaments, chronic back aches, arthritis, even skin conditions, migraines and chronic stress or anxiety. The blend of traditional Thai herbs used in these compresses has a relaxing and invigorating effect on the body and min...

Holistic Lifestyle Consultation Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971522070926

Holistic Lifestyle Consultation      Karama Dubai | Massage Center | +971522070926 We believe in a holistic approach to healing. We work with the individual, not with the disease, or problem. Even if you don’t have any complaints, but just want a little more harmony in your life, we can still help. To optimize your healing process, we will first analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your system. This will help us determine the program that best suites your needs-weather it be Herbology, massage therapy, Yoga, or combinations of any of our other services. If we feel that you need to see other specialists, like NLP practitioners, or acupuncturists, we will be pleased to give you a quality referral. It is our intention that you should never become dependent on us. Therefore, during the course of your sessions you will learn to use the herbs, homeopathic remedies and/or exercises on your own, so you can activate your self-regulation processes as needed. T...